Frequently, when we talk about the leadership pipeline, the question comes up, buy or build? This means, do we train and develop the people we have (build), or do we go out and seek new people (buy). It’s almost always cheaper to build than to buy. Not just

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Recently, several of my favorite bloggers have quit–or disappeared completely–from the blogosphere. Dr. Flea, Fat Doctor, Miss Snark, among others. (No point in giving you links to the first two. Dr. Flea’s blog has completely disappeared and Fat Doctor’s is by invitation only.) Miss Snark said she is

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Dean Dad over at Confessions of a Community College Dean has two posts that I believe are very relevant to the listening and problem solving portion of we Evil HR types. Here’s a quote from the first post: When Night Dean said it was possible, what he meant

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Hi, what information can HR give out when they get a call from the future employer (in California)? Can they give out the current salary and the information why somebody was fired? Having never lived in California (and truthfully, hoping to never live in California), I have little

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