The next Carnival of Human Resources is goin to be posted on Wednesday, April 4. Please submit your posts to evilhrlady at hotmail dot com. Any HR, Training, Business or similar post is welcome. Please, no bad words! This is polite business.
The next Carnival of Human Resources is goin to be posted on Wednesday, April 4. Please submit your posts to evilhrlady at hotmail dot com. Any HR, Training, Business or similar post is welcome. Please, no bad words! This is polite business.
Carnival of the Insanities is up over at Dr. Sanity’s.
Good morning, I work for a large company. During the annual benefits sign up period I opted for an HSA insurance account. Some of my co workers opted for a FSA. ( I’m assuming you know what I am referring to.) Any how, the company has not funded
A few days ago, the Offspring and I went to [Mexican Restaurant]. Being an HR professional who has dealt with the OFCCP far too often, I immediately noticed a problem: 75% of the people eating there were adult males.* Now, this must not be due to any free
He gives me free legal advice. I give him free HR advice. It’s all good.
Some of my responsibilities are being outsourced. (No worries–my employment status will not change as a result of this outsourcing.) Nevertheless, it’s a high stress thing to turn responsibilities over to an outside firm. At the same time, we are setting our annual performance goals, especially as they
I stumbled upon This piece of wisdom: Tribal wisdom of the Dakota Indians (so legend has it), passed on from generation to generation, says that, “When you discover that you are riding a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount.” Makes sense, right? The unknown author continues:
The Carnival of the Insanities is up over at Dr. Sanity’s place. You’ll learn about Iran, Piano playing, political ads, mad kittens and flying children. What more could you ask for!
We always hear about “thinking outside the box.” But what if that thinking leads us to hiring outside the box? With the scandal at Walter Reed Medical Center the Army Surgeon General Resigned. The interim Surgeon General? Major General Gale S. Pollock. What is so outside the box
Toddlers are taking over Manhattan, apparently. And not just any toddlers–the rich, white kind. Since 2000, according to census figures released last year, the number of children under age 5 living in Manhattan mushroomed by more than 32 percent. And though their ranks have been growing for several