Perks, we like to call them, (although the spelling bothers me because it’s a shortening of perquisite, so I swear it should be perq, but then you have a q at the end and that’s just not done). Do they make a difference? Absolutely, and that is why
Perks, we like to call them, (although the spelling bothers me because it’s a shortening of perquisite, so I swear it should be perq, but then you have a q at the end and that’s just not done). Do they make a difference? Absolutely, and that is why
The blogosphere is an amazing thing. I wanted to share some great sites I’ve just found (or in several cases, they found me.) Recruiting Fly is a great blog which brings in information on recruiting and HR in general. Run by C.M. Russell, he always seems to find
The House approved a minimum wage hike today. Now, just to get my cards on the table, I am a free market capitalist. A hard core free market capitalist, if the truth be told. When proponents start spouting about how wonderful it is to increase wages of those
I found this list about bosses today and it made me giggle a little. My two favorites: 1. Never give me work in the morning. Always wait until 4:00pm and then bring it to me. The challenge of a deadline is refreshing. 4. Wait until my yearly review
Dr. Sanity has the Carnival of the Insanities posted. My favorite (besides the announcement of my own Senate Campaign) is this video about Spiders on Drugs.
As my regular readers know, I have two degrees in Political Science. (Yes, one alone only bordered on foolishness, so I had to get two so I would be completely unemployable. Now you understand how I ended up in HR.) One would think with my knowledge of things
People, people, people. How many times do I have to explain this? If you are going to be evil, you do it in a closed board room allowing only those who have taken blood oaths to keep your evil ways secret. You do not do it via e-mail.
Not that they know they are. But, hey thanks! Ann Althouse and Dr. Helen both have job related posts up today, so I’m just going to blog off their blogging. Talk about lazy! (Then again, I realize that most of my readers read this at work, so no
Okay, I’m not a benefits administrator, nor do I ever plan to be one. But, HR usually is responsible for picking out health plans, which relates directly to your health care, which is why I’m blogging about this essay in the New York Times:What’s Making Us Sick Is
The Evil family celebrated New Year’s Eve by visiting relatives, eating macaroni and cheese and falling asleep by 11:00. We’re so hip we can hardly stand it. But, in the spirit of the holiday, I will make some resolutions. 1. Update blog description (already done! I’m so on