Apprenticeship acquired

Last summer, my 16-year-old son entered into a Swiss program designed to help him find a career. It allowed him to spend one week in school, the next week doing a mini internship (Schnupperwoche), and then lather, rinse, repeat.

I’m pleased to announce he’s decided on a career path and accepted an apprenticeship offer to be a carpenter focusing on window building and construction.

When he entered the program, he only knew he didn’t want to be stuck behind a desk all day, like both his parents. I can’t say I blame him.

He tried forestry, which he loved and involved helicopter rides in Lauterbrunnen, but the only apprenticeships available for the upcoming school year were either in the French-speaking parts of Switzerland, which he didn’t want to do, or (horrors) locally. (He is itching to be independent and knows his parents won’t spring for an apartment if he can stay in his bedroom.)

He did surveying, which he thought he’d love but actually hated. He was so glad he didn’t do four years of school before discovering he hated the work. They loved him, though, offering him an apprenticeship.

With many other things under his belt, he confidently accepted the apprenticeship offer. It’s a four-year paid program, with four days of work and one day of school. The pay is low (year one is about $5 an hour, year four is a little more than twice as much), but that’s better than paying for education as he would in the US. When he’s done, he’ll be a master carpenter—a skill in high demand for decades, if not forever.

I’d post a picture of him in his new workspace, but that violates the teenage boy rules. Instead, this is the extent of the information I received about the helicopter ride until he got home. For those who don’t have one and are unaware, this is what teenage boys consider an excessive amount of information to their mothers.

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4 thoughts on “Apprenticeship acquired

  1. So proud of him (& for you)! We need this so badly in the US.

    We had DECA in high school (1970s). Building trades, cosmetology & other classes. Prepared a lot of young people for careers. We could use such programs now.

    1. I agree 100 percent. This is so much better then going to college and floundering around for years. And, if he decides later that he wants to go to university, he can support himself by doing carpentry work.

    2. DECA still exists, and depending on your school district, may indeed be highlighted. Ours sure is (they just competed at States and did amazingly well)! We also have “tech ed” classes (think construction trades, automotive related, cosmetology) that is heavily promoted, all in addition to “creative arts” and “STEM” programs that are application style sub-schools within our high schools.

      I’m very pleased that our district is pushing all of the above paths, not just “go to University”, because “just go to University” is not the correct path for so many, in addition to it being insanely expensive! I feel like THIS is the key. Students NEED to know that there are other paths, as lord knows my generation was pushed to the “you MUST go to University or you are a failure” and its utterly unhelpful in the long term!

  2. What an awesome column!!! My son worked hard for his “C” grades in High School. For years after he graduated he kept telling me he intended to go to college. I finally told him that college is not for everyone. He now has a well-paying job as Operations Supervisor for a vitamin manufacturer. Oh, and he is very happy.

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